How to Remove Gum From Carpet

How to Remove Gum From Carpet

Many people enjoy chewing gum as a flavorful treat to exercise the jaw, eliminate boredom, and even help quit smoking. Unfortunately, gum sometimes ends up where it’s not supposed to be, like your carpet.

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How to Quick Clean Blinds

How to Quick Clean Blinds

Cleaning blinds is one of those household chores that many people forget about. However, when blinds are left neglected, they can become soiled with dust, pet fur and all the other skin cells and dander that float around the home.

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How does a self-cleaning oven work

How does a self-cleaning oven work & how do you use it?

If you’ve noticed that your oven has a self-cleaning feature but you’re not quite sure what that means or how to use it, this article will break down how a self-cleaning oven works, how to properly use it, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the function and proper use of a self-cleaning oven.

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How to Freshen Up Floor Grout

How to Freshen Up Floor Grout

No matter how hard you work to keep your kitchen and bathroom clean, they’ll always look dingy if they’re plagued by dirty grout, whether it’s lurking between tiles in the shower or along your backsplash.

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How to get coffee stains out of carpet

How To Easily Get Coffee Stains Out Of Your Carpet

here are a million different ways that coffee can find its way onto your carpet. Whether you’ve knocked a cup off your couch or table, splashed some on the floor as you walk around your home with your morning brew, or you’ve spilled your triple-shot espresso in the car on the way to work. We’re going to share our best tips to get coffee stains out of the carpet easily.

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Clean Your Dishwasher

How To Clean Your Dishwasher

Your dishwasher cleans your dishes, but now and then it needs its own thorough cleaning. Food scraps, grease, and soap scum can slow down performance and even make it smell bad.

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Clean Baseboards Like a Pros

How to Clean Baseboards Like a Pros

For any high-stakes event, be it a poker tournament or having your mother-in-law over for dinner, there is always a “tell” your adversaries can look for to see you’re bluffing or trying to hide something.

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Descale a Coffee Maker

How To Descale a Coffee Maker

It depends on how much minerality your water has, but specialty-coffee professional Ever Meister suggests a biannual cleaning at minimum. If you drink lots of coffee, once a quarter might be more appropriate.

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